Friday 17 February 2012

Doesnt time fly :S

Eek doesn't time fly??? I cant believe it has been so long since I posted on here. The New Year has come and gone and I have had yet another birthday. Not been up to a huge amount. Done a fair bit of crafting of various kinds. Been trying to get back into 12 x 12 pages as I have gotten a bit bored of minis although I have made a few using paper bags after Vikkie n me found in a craft shop in Norway while I was over in october. She also sent me some as part of my Christmas pressie, which should keep me going for a while.
Just had a long weekend off school for mid term and spent it with Vikkie (who flew across) and my girls. It was hectic but lots of fun. Me n Vikk went to visit her mum n dad for a day or so then back up to mine for Ionas prom, then a day in Edinburgh. We went to the Edinburgh Dungeons which was the usual laugh. Dunno how many folk Iona managed to scare with her screaming lol. Iona is convinced I am having a midlife crisis and I dont think she approves of me wholly at the moment. I got ANOTHER tattoo in October on most of my upper arm. I dyed my hair red when Vikkie was here AND got the top of my ear pierced. I am thinking very carefully about what to get for my next tattoo as I am getting the rest of the area across my shoulders done next.
I am heading off to Norway again soon to spend a week with Vikkie and cant wait. After this manic long weekend the plan is to pretty much veg out, except perhaps a bit of shopping :)
Anyway best go head to bed, aint getting the long lie I had hoped for tomorrow and have lots to do.
Catch everyone soon