Sunday 27 February 2011

Wall hanging

Hi folks, I have managed to get a bit of crafting done this weekend. Havent had much chance to speak to Vikkie though as she hasn't been feeling the best of late. So to cheer her up a little I decided to make a wall hanging to send to her to keep the one she made company. I dont have a craft room as such, as it is our office cum spare room so I dont get the chance to decorate my crafting area the way I would do if it was my designated space. I hope she likes it - it turned out a bit too pink I think lol. But it is nice and bright so hopefully it will cheer her up. I have missed her the past few days :(

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Accordian Album for Vikkie

Hi everyone, nothing much to report really, the weekend has been and gone already and back to work all too soon :( I had a pretty good crafting weekend though, Vikkie had bought me the Immortal Love stack as part of a Valentines pressie and it came the end of last week so I was determined to do something with it. It was a bit of a wrench cutting into the papers but I managed it lol I decided to make an album for Vikkie and her hubby with a couple of their wedding pics in it. I had been promising to make something like that for them for ages and never got round to it or had the inspiration to do it. Anyway Sunday I went for it and I have to say I am very pleased with the results. I just cant wait to give it to them now. Better think about getting organised for work - blech! Bye x

Saturday 19 February 2011

The weekend (thank the lord :)

Well the week from hell is over, apart from the excitement of prom and the fact I only had to work a 2 day week, this week aint been the best. I havent done very much crafting, me and Vikkie have hardly talked and when we have it has been a strain due to one thing or another. We are very very alike and it can cause fireworks sometimes :S but we do try to cope with one anothers foibles (for that is what friends do). I know nothing will come between us though and no mater what I love her to bits. Anyone hopefully this weekend will be nice a relaxed and I can get plenty crafting done.
The weather here is miserable here today, cold wet and windy - YUK!!! A good day for crafting though. It was my Dad's birthday yesterday and for a change I made his birthday cards. Actually it was needs must as I forgot to buy any on Thursday :S I was really chuffed with them so I am now inspired to make one today for Sophie (Islas's friend) as she is 14 tomorrow. I will add a pic of the cards for my Dad just now.
Anyway I am off upstairs to start crafting as I am wasting precious time. xx

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Not the best day :(

Well this is the last day of the holiday weekend and I have work again tomorrow :P It aint been the best day to be honest. I have had too much time on my hands alone and been really fed up. Normally a day like this would have been spent having fun with Vikk but she has been ill today and apart from 15mins while I was cooking tea I havent seen her today. We have txtd one another a little but she has been in bed most of the day. Hope she feels much better soon, it aint nice that I cant even go and visit her and give her a big hug to make her feel better - just one of the many downsides to her living so far away from me :(
I made a tag holder out of a blank greetings card yesterday so I have attached the pic so everyone can see.
Hugs to my bestest bud xx

Tuesday 15 February 2011


Well the day has finally arrived Iona (my eldest, 16) has her first prom night. The dress has been bought for months, shoes and bag bought the other week. I was expecting there to be high stress levels today but surprisingly she was pretty calm, just a slight bit of strain over the time she had left to play with after getting her hair done, which wasn't much .... she had to get her make-up on, dressed, Alistair (her partner for the evening) arriving and going to friends house before going to school for the official photos. When Alistair arrived he looked very smart in his kilt and he had brought her a beautiful corsage to match her dress and his kilt. It was like they were being papped lol me, my dad n Alistairs mum all had cameras and we snapped away. Not sure when I will see her getting in as she has planned to go to an after prom party at a friends house. I am gonna try to stay up, not sure if I would settle properly anyway, but Vikkie as agreed to keep me company for at least a little while. x

Sunday 13 February 2011

Another card and a tag book

I have made yet another card, which I am really pleased with. I have also made a tag book but I aint happy with it at all :( Vikkie challenged me to use papers we had bought together to decorate it with but I found it really hard to get much inspiration. This def aint my best effort at a tag book but hey ho it is done and I can get it posted to her along with a few bits a pieces. Sitting talking to her on MSN just now as hubby is watching Top Gear so I sign out now and not neglect her xx.

A couple of cards and a layout

I had a lovely day yesterday crafting with Vikkie, we had lots of fun and chatted lots, hopefully today will be just as good. Anyway I have attached a pic of  my 2 latest cards I have made and also a layout I have done for a competition on Elsa at We had to use her picture of Abbie that she created on a layout or card, so this what I came up with. Hope she likes it. Anyway must go Vikk is helping through yet another technophobic (dunno if that is a word) crisis. x

Thursday 10 February 2011

Long Weekend to look forward to :)

Thank the Lord for this long weekend - I feel exhausted. I dont think I have fully recovered from last weekend (sign of old age or something) and on top of that I had to have a tooth extracted on Tuesday which I found rather traumatic!!! I think I would rather have a 3rd Caesarean than go through that again :P

Anyway not much else to share really as I have done very little crafting. I had Isla's parents night at school on Tuesday which went well and Iona has her last Higher prelim today so she can finally relax for a little (well at least till after Easter when she will sit the real thing) Next week will be major excitement as she has prom, so I will post pics for that on Wednesday. In the mean time I have added pics of the cards I made for Vikkie for one of our challenges. Must go get ready for work instead of wasting time on here and hopefully I will get plenty crafting and me time over the weekend - can't wait. Hugs x

Sunday 6 February 2011

Hectic Weekend

Well I have had a pretty eventful weekend so far. To let you understand I am very very rarely out for nights out and apart from my birthday weekend with Vikk I cant remember the last time I was out. This weekend I have been out Friday AND Saturday. Friday night I was out with a few people from work, bowling, meal and round a few of the local bars. Unfortunately after my abstenence on the alcohol front I fell off the wagon a tad lol and boy did I suffer all day Saturday!!! I ruined my afternoon crafting with Vikk as I had to abandon that and go to my bed for a few hours just to try to feel human enough to even contemplate going out on Saturday night. Me and Mal had an evening out with a guy Mal works with and his wife in Aberdeen. I was NOT drinking :P I think today it will be Mals turn to suffer a bit (hehehe) Anyway we had a lovely evening sitting chatting and the food was excellent. I had a scallop starter then halibut main and a chocolate pudding dessert mmmmm. I am intending taking today very easy and doing lots of crafting.
Vikk sent me lots of lovely cards to open and I have a few craft challenges she has given me to complete so hopefully I will get plenty done and lots of time to sit and chat with her as this week we havent been able to spend much time together. :(  I just have to try to restrain myself from opening ALL the cards at once (the intention was that I would have one to open every day).
Anyway I am away to print off some pics n stuff for my crafting session. xx