Sunday 13 February 2011

A couple of cards and a layout

I had a lovely day yesterday crafting with Vikkie, we had lots of fun and chatted lots, hopefully today will be just as good. Anyway I have attached a pic of  my 2 latest cards I have made and also a layout I have done for a competition on Elsa at We had to use her picture of Abbie that she created on a layout or card, so this what I came up with. Hope she likes it. Anyway must go Vikk is helping through yet another technophobic (dunno if that is a word) crisis. x


  1. Its ok hunny crisis over all sorted, you are a real techniphob but its funny. Only one way to learn and thats to do it. cant wait for you to be here so pete and I can teach u a few things xx

    Loving the cards babes and the layout is sweet well done u xx

  2. Glad you like the cards as they will be coming your way.
    I am pretty happy with the layout even though the finished product is actually nicer since I had the idea of putting blingy bits on the flowers and the birds eyes.

  3. Nice work!.. And love your pretty pink layout with Abbie! I am VERY MUCH still just a beginner, but I decided to join in on Elsa's challenge anyways, and I ended up having lots of fun with it; so I'm hoping we'll be seeing more of Abbie sometime!... Nice to meet you! ~tina
