Tuesday 2 April 2013

9.15 and chillin in bed ........ Ahhhhhh

Morning all, thought I would write up my blog post from the coziness of my bed today. Yesterday was a lovely sunny day and I spent a good portion of it pottering in the garden which was nice to get some sun. Not sure if today is going to be such a springlike day unfortunately :(

Last post I shared my altered chest of drawers for the Crafty Assembly challenge and I was delighted to be picked as the winner. I got to choose the theme for the next challenge and chose "anything with lace" so this is the canvas I came up with.


I stamped a background onto material using a stamp set by 7gypsies then stuck down an image from a paper napkin which is back onto paper and distressed with ink. I used lace and doilies, some bling and IAMRoses flowers and one of the lovely birdcages produced by Crafty Emblies http://www.crafty-emblies.org/

The challenge today is "Masculine" so that will def be a challenge for me but I will give it a go. Iona is home for Easter break so I am having to share my time in her bedroom with her lol so not so much time devoted to crafting unfortunately :(

Anyway I supposed I should scrape myself out of bed and get organised.
Hope you all have a great day

1 comment:

  1. A beautiful canvas you have created here. I love the vintage look to it. The lace and the flowers really work well.

    Thanks for sharing

    Kelly x
