Tuesday 15 January 2013

43 ugh!!!

Howdy ho,

Well the crafting has been going resonably well over the past few days. I am having a bit of a problem with putting photos on here, ie I cant seem to find an easy way to do it (told you I am a total technophobe) I am sure you didnt have to put a photograph up using an url when I first started blogging :S  ANY HELP WITH THIS WOULD BE APPRECIATED XX  I will try again after I have finished typing to see if I can work it out for myself but I aint holding out much hope :P
I made a couple of 12 x 12 layouts and altered a wooden birdhouse, which I hope to show you.

As you can see from the title of my post I have had a birthday. I got a lovely surprise phone call from my bestie in Norway wishing me a happy birthday first thing in the morning which cheered me up no end. I didnt do anything, I aint really that big on birthdays to be honest it is another year older which depending on how I am feeling mentally or health wise will depend on how I take it lol
I aint growing old very gracefully (which I kinda thought I would be able to do) I keep getting tattoos (more about them later) cut my hair pretty short and have dyed it red. This has been a gradual process like, I didnt do all this on Monday for my birthday lol. I am pretty sure most people think I am having a mid life crisis (some have actually voiced that opinion)

I havent been looking after myself particularly well since Christmas. I suffer from depression. I have done for A LONG time but I have only been taking medication to help for a couple of years, when eventually I got to the point I couldnt pull myself up. I have had spates of "the blues" since my eldest was born (19 years ago this year) but I never liked to admit how down I often felt. I felt I couldnt confide in anyone as I have always tried to act like I am a super being that can manage it all (which I still do :S just me I guess) My mum (unknowing how I felt) used to always tut tut about people with "depression" saying that they just needed to get a grip, so of course because of this I was reluctant to admit I was feeling as bad as I was. For the most point over the years I had always been able to pick myself up relatively easily, but a couple of years back I just got to the point I couldnt do it and with encouragement of my best friend I went to see the doctor. I think if I didnt have other health problems which make me feel tired and unwell I would be pretty good but as I have MS too, sometimes the fatique I feel makes the depression feel worse, a vicious circle really.

Anyway on a cheerier note, I am going out with hubby and our neighbours at the weekend for a meal (neighbours birthday is tomorrow so him and Mal cooked up a plan to have a joint celebration at the weekend.

Right I will go try to upload some pics, if that fails I will just put in link to my YouTube where you can watch the videos I did of my crafting efforts over the weekend.

Thank you for stopping by and feel free to comment at anytime, I would love to hear from you all


PHOTO FAIL lol - here is the link to my Youtube instead http://www.youtube.com/user/faeriecrafts/videos?view=0

1 comment:

  1. I'm nominating you for a Liebster Award!!! Check out my post with the details and let me know if you have any questions! It's all about new bloggers getting to know each other and motivating each other! http://craftycommunityathanasios.blogspot.no
