Tuesday 19 February 2013

I {heart} my body art

I got my first tattoo when I was 31 ......... I had always said even from being a teen I wanted to get ink done and for my 30th birthday I decided to get a tattoo but chickened out. One trip through to Aberdeen with my hubby when i was 31 I convinced him to come with me to one of the tattooists in the city. I pondered over the racks and racks of pictures available and decided upon an eye and to get it on my lower back. I remember being really excited but very nervous about getting it and unfortunately I think I worked myself up far too much and the whole experience was a bit of a nightmare - I felt faint and the tattooist found me a very difficult customer lol.  Anyway I survived and decided that that was probably going to be my one and only tattoo as I wouldnt put myself through that again.
Anyway a few years back a friend and I decided to get matching tattoos. We decided on elvish writing which means "friendship". Since that fateful October I have been hooked and at 43 I now have 5 tattoos, 3 of which are a pretty decent size lol. I think some folk think I am having a midlife crisis and my hubby doesnt wholly approve but the way I see it is as a form of art and expression. I put a lot of thought and consideration into the art work I get and I will never regret getting the ink that I have.

I would love to get some more and have a couple of ideas drawn up but it isnt cheap to get a decent tattooist so other things get priority. I once did a journal page which sums up the way I feel about my tattoos the title being LOVE ME ..... LOVE MY INK :)
Here is my newest tattoo :)


  1. I love the arm one! It's amazing!!!! I live body art and have ten little ones. I'm waiting to get one behind my ear and down to my back. Love them :-)

    Hugs Lisa xxxxxxx

    1. Thanks Lisa I have a new one from my foot to knee but when my computer crashed the other week i lost the photos of it, I will have to take another pic and get it up too. My arm one is my favourite tho :)

  2. Fab ink hon, love them all but I think your fairy has to be my fave xx

    1. I do love all my ink. Cant wait for the next one ;) hehehe xx
