Tuesday 26 February 2013

OOOH OOOH blog candy

Hey everyone
Just a very quick post today

Check out this fabby blog candy giveaway by Crafty Emblies. Their items are brilliant value and so versatile, can be used on cards and altered projects.
Stop by and have a look :)   http://crafty-emblies.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/blog-candy.html

And on the subject of altering this has been my crafting effort today = an altered jar - covered in lace and material and decorated with a paper napkin, IAMROSES and of course a CRAFTY EMBLIE treble clef .

Hope you all like and are having a crafty day


  1. This is fabulous, just gorgeous, love it.
    Moira xxx

    1. Thanks Moira, it was very theraputic sticking all the lace and material on. I think I might have to make some more of these in different shapes and sizes :)
