Saturday 29 January 2011

Saturday Crafting

Well I was going to accomplish great things today but havent gotten much done really.  I spent the morning catching up with some housework and made some soup for lunch so I could spend the afternoon online with Vikkie crafting.   Apart from making a Valentines card which I will upload soon I didnt do much else. We ended up just chatting and showing each other dodgy photos from the past (well to be fair mine turned out to be dodgier on the hair and attire front than Vikks though pml).  I havent opened any of the new papers we bought together infact the other day I completed a page to send to Vikkie for our ongoing scrap challenge and she was calling me all the tight miserable Scottish witches as I could only bring myself to cut up the front cover of one of the packs (you know what I mean? the paper on the front which gives you a taster of what the papers are like) Well I thought I was being thrifty NOT mean :)  I might get something done later though. Soon be supper time and me n food have a very close relationship :) Mind you I was very pleased today as I went on the Wii Fit (the first time in yonks) and I had lost 6lbs (all down to me cutting out booze) I am very very pleased with myself. Anyway Vikkie is trying to talk to me on MSN so I had better go give her attention or she will sulk (I'm only saying this as I know she will be on reading this shortly muhahahaa!!!) Loves ya Vikk xx

1 comment:

  1. you cheeky cow i do not sulk how rude lol good job i loves ya too hun is all i can say. im not going to make any comment to the thrifty bit im not biting lol and well done on the weight lose but u dont need to loose it hun i should know x if only it was as easy as giving up booze lol seems as i dont drink. xx but i am so proud of u for stopping drinking you have done so well babes x
