Sunday 30 January 2011

Monday morning blues

Yuk Monday morning AGAIN!!!! Where does the weekend disappear to that is what I would like to know. Well I had and uneventful Sunday mainly because I was soooo tired. Isla had a sleepover on Saturday night with a friend who has never stayed over before. I have a sneaky suspicion she may be allergic to cats as she coughed the whole night (and for someone like me who is a light sleeper that aint a good thing). The only good thing that came out of being awake in the early hours was that I got to chat to Vikkie online (she was still up as she had been taking part in a mini album tutorial online). Did a little crafting on Sunday afternoon. I chose a few themes for me n Vikkies scrapbook challenge so I did a 12 x 12 page for that on the theme of The Green Fairy, other pages to be completed are Where you would like to visit, Passion and Tattoos, there is another one that is escaping me at the minute. I have to drive to Aberdeen this afternoon as Isla has an Orthodontist appointment so all go. Iona has another Higher prelim today, PE so she will no doubt be slightly hyper when she gets up, hope she does well as she works very hard to achieve her goals. I will attached pics of the card I made on Saturday and the 12 x 12 page and I guess I had better start getting myself organised. No rest for the wicked as they say. Hugs x


  1. you know Iona will do fine god forbid she doesnt no ones life would be worth living babes and you know it.

    the layout is lovely and the one you forgot off the list is folklore hun. One day i will get some ink for printer and play catch up prob next month.

    was lovely this weekend Tracy shame we didnt get much privacy though, Cant wait for you to come over here we are going to have so much fun and Pete is doublie looking forward to it now after my dreams PML loves ya xx

  2. I know what you mean about not being interrupted all the time but I guess we just have to live with that :P
    I def cant wait for April to arrive (seems too far away for my liking)
    And all I can say to the dream is O M G !!!!!!! lol
    loves ya more :P xx
